Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Research and Working EQ

1.  What is your working EQ?

- How can a Transportation engineer design a comfortable means of public transportation in Los Angeles?

2.  What is a possible answer to your working EQ?

- One way transportation can be improved is by using traffic signal management programs using advanced computer software. 

- Special timing is a special technique that traffic engineers use to manage traffic flow and determine who has the right of way at signalized intersections.

3.  What is the most important source you have used that has helped you come up with an answer to your working EQ? 

- The most important source that has helped come up with an answer to my working EQ are the articles from research check because I have been learning things about transportation that I never thought mattered. 

4.  Who is your mentor, or where are you volunteering, and how does what you are doing relate to your working EQ?

- I am currently volunteering at a consulting firm in Irvine,CA with my brother Antonio Salas. While at mentorship I use programs like synchro which help simulate traffic flow and the affect the streets have when more or less vehicles go a certain way. Also, when I go out to the streets and count all the vehicles passing by a intersection tell me how the signals timing should be improved. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Independent Component 1 Approval

1. Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours?

For my 30 hours I plan to keep doing my mentor ship. I am going to work with my brother and another engineer. I will try and learn as much as I can from both of them. When I cant contact one of them I will have the other. I also want too see if they work differently or think about projects in a different manner. I also plan on learning how to use more programs and learning to read blue prints. That way if I ever want a job as an engineer I will already know things that most wont.

2. Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

A way that I will show 30 hours of evidence is by taking pictures while I am at the field with my mentor and making measurements of the sidewalks, streets, and lanes. I will also record myself when using the different programs engineers use to see how the traffic would flow if you were to place different road signs, if you widen the lanes, or if you were to take off or add lanes.

3. Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic more in depth.

Everything I do with my mentor will be used in the future.  As I learn more and more all the things I learn will tie into one another and will help me do the job. The things I learn how to do will help me find other branches of engineering and will let me find more information about this career. I plan on learning as much as I can from these research checks and applying what I learn into the job.